ABOUT US: Serving our customers since 2020.
Barreto’s, established four years ago, represents the peak of my journey into the realm of precision craftsmanship and refined material selection. Before founding Barreto’s, my involvement in this sector was only limited to small occasional home projects, that didn’t require the same level of attention to detail we offer our clients. My first real experience in this profession and this field was working as an employee, at a previous firm, where I recognized my latent potential and passion for this work, with the inception of Barreto’s dawned upon me as I discerned the prospect of a more fulfilling career path for myself and my family, coupled with the allure of entrepreneurship. Despite my initial lack of expertise, I embarked on this venture in April 2020, initiating outreach efforts and executing our maiden services. The subsequent year, 2021, witnessed substantial growth as we extended our services to a considerable number of households, with the help of a small team and dedicated employees. Observing the success of the company, I shifted my focus towards amplifying our market presence and strengthening our brand reputation through effective marketing and sales efforts.